La diversification des stages professionnels en Angleterre : comment l’évolution des stages en ergothérapie enrichit les expériences des étudiants et élargit les domaines de pratique des ergothérapeutes

Practice placements in Diverse Settings in the UK: how the evolution of occupational therapy practice placement settings are enriching the student experience and expanding the domain of occupational therapy

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Summary :

This article explores the experience of supervising occupational therapy students on non-traditional placements in the UK. The author discusses the context and the reasons behind the development of Diverse Settings placements and the resulting professional development observed in the students. Research in this area of practice is explored alongside the observations of the author. An example of non-traditional occupational therapy practice, working with the homeless, is presented, including background on the situation for this client group in the UK and reference to the interventions that occupational therapy can offer.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Sacha Mead

    (Sarah Warren)
    Ergothérapeute DE
    Formatrice en ergothérapie

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